Medical Malpractice Cases

Dr. BENY L GUEDES, MD Medical Malpractice Cases, Lawsuits, and Complaints

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Phycicians Practice Address
615 E. Princeton Street, Suite 400

Court Case # 48-2005 CA 007-198-0

Indemnity Paid: $250,000.00

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Department File Number :M200640514
Claim Number :05-0023
Date Submitted :6/26/2007
Insurer Information
Insurer NameCoverage Type
Insurer FEINProfessional License Number
Insurer Contact Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
IndividualJack Heda
Street Address
1851 NW 125th Avenue, Suite 339
Pembroke PinesFL33028
PhoneExtFaxE-Mail Address
(954) 985 - 1165 (954) 212 -
Insured Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
Insurer TypeStreet Address of Practice
Licensed615 East Princeton Street, Suite 400
CityStateZip CodeCounty
Policy NumberPer Claim Policy LimitsAggregate Policy Limits
Profession or BusinessOther Profession or Business
Medical Doctor 
License NumberSpecialty Code & ClassificationCertification Number
ME15959Pediatrics - No Surgery 

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Injured Person Information
First NameMILast NameDate of Birth
Street AddressGenderCounty where Injury Occurred
CityStateZip Code
Location where injury occuredOther location where injury occured
Hospital Inpatient Facility 
Name of InstitutionCode
Location of Institutional InjuryOther Location of Institutional Injury
Operating Suite 
Date of OccurrenceDate Reported to Insurer
Diagnostic Information
Final Diagnosis For Which Treatment Was Sought Including Patient's Actual Condition
On the morning of June 19, 2003 patient awoke with right-sided weakness and numbness in her face. She also developed a headache which she informed her parents and they took her to the ER on June 20, 2003. As she was waiting in the ER her right sided weakness and numbness persisted. The ER doctor worked her up and the radiologic scan found a lesion int eh brain stem. She was prescribed antibiotics and admitted to the hospital.
Operation, Diagnostic, Or Treatment Procedure Rendered Causing The Injury
Dr. Guedes took over the care and informed the family that he felt this was cancer and no antibiotics were given by him. A biopsy was performed which revealed a lesion to be an abscess. Teh patient underwent a neurosurgical procedure to drain the abscess she was stable post op.
Diagnostic Code : 
Misdiagnosis Made, If Any, Of Patient's Actual Condition
Principal Injury Giving Rise To The Claim
Post-op patient suffered a intracranial bleed with resultant brain damage along with profound cognitive and motor deficiencies.
Severity Of Injury
Permanent: Grave - Quadraplegia, severe brain damage, lifelong care or fatal prognosis.

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report


Legal Information
Date of SuitCircuit Court Case Number
9/16/200548-2005 CA 007-198-0
County Suit Filed inDate of Final Disposition
Other Defendants Involved in this Claim
Stage of Legal System at which Settlement was Reached or Award Made
More than 90 days, after suit filed and prior to or during the course of mandatory settlement conference.
Final Method of Claim Disposition
Settled by parties
Court DecisionOther
OtherSettled by parties
Claim not subject to Arbitration.
Date of Payment
Financial Information
Was there a settlement Resulting in payment to the Plaintiff?Yes
Indemnity Paid by Insurer on behalf of Insured$250,000
Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Defense Counsel$40,702
All Other Loss Adjustment Expense Paid$0
Injured Person's Total Non-Economic Loss$10,000,000
Injured Person's Total Economic Loss
 Incurred to DateAnticipated
Medical Expense$422,131$14,597,589
Wage Loss$0$1,220,480
Other Expenses$50,000$0
Safety Management Steps Taken by Insured to Make Similar Occurrence Less Likely
Date of Change:4/19/2007 3:13:19 PM
Reason for Change:The update is being made to add the Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Def Counsel which was left out of the original reporting form.
Field ChangedFormer ValueNew Value
Amount of Loss Adjustment Expense Paid to Defense Counsel040702
Date of Change:6/26/2007 12:17:00 PM
Reason for Change:Updated financial information to include economic and non-economic loss.
Field ChangedFormer ValueNew Value
Injured Person Total Non-Economic Loss010000000
Incurred Expense Mdeical0422131
Anticipated Expenses Medial 014597589
Anticipated Expenses Wage Loss01220480
Incurred Expense Other050000



*NR:Prior to 04/28/1999 this field was not required in submitted claims.

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Court Case # 2007 CA 7926

Indemnity Paid: $250,000.00

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Department File Number :M200747709
Claim Number :07-0011
Date Submitted :11/21/2007
Insurer Information
Insurer NameCoverage Type
Insurer FEINProfessional License Number
Insurer Contact Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
IndividualJack Heda
Street Address
1851 NW 125th Avenue, Suite 339
Pembroke PinesFL33028
PhoneExtFaxE-Mail Address
(954) 985 - 1165 (954) 212 -
Insured Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
Insurer TypeStreet Address of Practice
Licensed615 East Princeton Street, Suite 400
CityStateZip CodeCounty
Policy NumberPer Claim Policy LimitsAggregate Policy Limits
Profession or BusinessOther Profession or Business
Medical Doctor 
License NumberSpecialty Code & ClassificationCertification Number
ME15959Pediatrics - Minor Surgery 

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Injured Person Information
First NameMILast NameDate of Birth
Street AddressGenderCounty where Injury Occurred
CityStateZip Code
Location where injury occuredOther location where injury occured
Hospital Inpatient Facility 
Name of InstitutionCode
Location of Institutional InjuryOther Location of Institutional Injury
Patients' Room 
Date of OccurrenceDate Reported to Insurer
Diagnostic Information
Final Diagnosis For Which Treatment Was Sought Including Patient's Actual Condition
On April 22, 2005: Patient was taken to Florida Hospital Altamonte ER for fever, irritability, not eating, constipation and difficulty breathing. Patient was suffering from severe acute pneumonia in the right middle, right lower and left upper lobes with hemorrhage and necrosis.
Operation, Diagnostic, Or Treatment Procedure Rendered Causing The Injury
On April 23 at 1:10 am: Dr. Guedes accepted the patient and look for a PICU bed. At 2:45 am the patient was transferred to Florida South, Dr. Guedes did not give these orders. Dr. Quigley ER doc accepted the patient and then left the hospital. Dr. Guedes gave order for Rocephin and Albuterol, intubation was not yet necessary. At 9:00 am Dr. Guedes saw the patient and he was stable enough to go to the PICU. From 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, Dr. Guedes ordered atropine and succinylcholine for intubation which was tried twice and within seconds of the succinylcholine the patient went into cardiac arrest. Anesthesia arrived and successfully intubated patient for the third time with no response, CPR and code drugs were continued for an hour but patient?s heart could not be restarted.
Diagnostic Code : 
Misdiagnosis Made, If Any, Of Patient's Actual Condition
Principal Injury Giving Rise To The Claim
Dr. Guedes believes this was not a respiratory death it was a cardiac death seemingly an idiosyncratic reaction to the drugs.
Severity Of Injury
Permanent: Death.

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report


Legal Information
Date of SuitCircuit Court Case Number
7/11/20072007 CA 7926
County Suit Filed inDate of Final Disposition
Other Defendants Involved in this Claim
Stage of Legal System at which Settlement was Reached or Award Made
More than 90 days, after suit filed and prior to or during the course of mandatory settlement conference.
Final Method of Claim Disposition
Settled by parties
Court DecisionOther
OtherDismissal with Prejudice
Claim not subject to Arbitration.
Date of Payment
Financial Information
Was there a settlement Resulting in payment to the Plaintiff?Yes
Indemnity Paid by Insurer on behalf of Insured$250,000
Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Defense Counsel$2,040
All Other Loss Adjustment Expense Paid$0
Injured Person's Total Non-Economic Loss$1,500,000
Injured Person's Total Economic Loss
 Incurred to DateAnticipated
Medical Expense$11,500$0
Wage Loss$0$0
Other Expenses$3,750$0
Safety Management Steps Taken by Insured to Make Similar Occurrence Less Likely
No updates found.



*NR:Prior to 04/28/1999 this field was not required in submitted claims.

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Court Case # 05 CA 2959

Indemnity Paid: $200,000.00

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Department File Number :M200639857
Claim Number :04-0064
Date Submitted :6/26/2007
Insurer Information
Insurer NameCoverage Type
Insurer FEINProfessional License Number
Insurer Contact Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
IndividualJack Heda
Street Address
1851 NW 125th Avenue, Suite 339
Pembroke PinesFL33028
PhoneExtFaxE-Mail Address
(954) 985 - 1165 (954) 212 -
Insured Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
Insurer TypeStreet Address of Practice
Licensed615 E. Princeton Street, Suite400
CityStateZip CodeCounty
Policy NumberPer Claim Policy LimitsAggregate Policy Limits
Profession or BusinessOther Profession or Business
Medical Doctor 
License NumberSpecialty Code & ClassificationCertification Number
ME15959Pediatrics - Minor Surgery 

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Injured Person Information
First NameMILast NameDate of Birth
Street AddressGenderCounty where Injury Occurred
CityStateZip Code
Location where injury occuredOther location where injury occured
Hospital Inpatient Facility 
Name of InstitutionCode
Location of Institutional InjuryOther Location of Institutional Injury
Patients' Room 
Date of OccurrenceDate Reported to Insurer
Diagnostic Information
Final Diagnosis For Which Treatment Was Sought Including Patient's Actual Condition
Weston an 18 year old medically compromised male was transported to the Er for fever and cough. The chief complaint incuded difficulty breathing. The diagnosis was ditonia, bronchitis. He was a cerebral palsy patient. Dr. Guedes phoned in his orders to treat Weston with O2 not with antibiotics. Weston was found to have no pulse and CPR was initiated for 30 minutes but he was pronounced dead.
Operation, Diagnostic, Or Treatment Procedure Rendered Causing The Injury
Weston an 18 year old medically compromised male was transported to the Er for fever and cough. The chief complaint incuded difficulty breathing. The diagnosis was ditonia, bronchitis. He was a cerebral palsy patient. Dr. Guedes phoned in his orders to treat Weston with O2 not with antibiotics. Weston was found to have no pulse and CPR was initiated for 30 minutes but he was pronounced dead.
Diagnostic Code : 
Misdiagnosis Made, If Any, Of Patient's Actual Condition
Principal Injury Giving Rise To The Claim
Weston an 18 year old medically compromised male was transported to the Er for fever and cough. The chief complaint incuded difficulty breathing. The diagnosis was ditonia, bronchitis. He was a cerebral palsy patient. Dr. Guedes phoned in his orders to treat Weston with O2 not with antibiotics. Weston was found to have no pulse and CPR was initiated for 30 minutes but he was pronounced dead.
Severity Of Injury
Permanent: Death.

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report


Legal Information
Date of SuitCircuit Court Case Number
4/19/200505 CA 2959
County Suit Filed inDate of Final Disposition
Other Defendants Involved in this Claim
Stage of Legal System at which Settlement was Reached or Award Made
Within 90 days of suit being filed.
Final Method of Claim Disposition
Settled by parties
Court DecisionOther
No Court Proceedings. 
Claim not subject to Arbitration.
Date of Payment
Financial Information
Was there a settlement Resulting in payment to the Plaintiff?Yes
Indemnity Paid by Insurer on behalf of Insured$200,000
Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Defense Counsel$17,222
All Other Loss Adjustment Expense Paid$0
Injured Person's Total Non-Economic Loss$750,000
Injured Person's Total Economic Loss
 Incurred to DateAnticipated
Medical Expense$1,795$0
Wage Loss$0$0
Other Expenses$10,000$0
Safety Management Steps Taken by Insured to Make Similar Occurrence Less Likely
Date of Change:4/19/2007 11:41:28 AM
Reason for Change:The update is being made to add the Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Def Counsel which was left out of the original reporting form.
Field ChangedFormer ValueNew Value
Amount of Loss Adjustment Expense Paid to Defense Counsel017222
Date of Change:6/26/2007 12:12:23 PM
Reason for Change:Updated financial information to include economic and non-economic loss.
Field ChangedFormer ValueNew Value
Incurred Expense Mdeical01795
Injured Person Total Non-Economic Loss0750000
Incurred Expense Other010000



*NR:Prior to 04/28/1999 this field was not required in submitted claims.

This page is not displaying certain sensitive information.

Court Case # 04 CA 1337

Indemnity Paid: $150,000.00

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Department File Number :M200639854
Claim Number :03-0030
Date Submitted :6/22/2007
Insurer Information
Insurer NameCoverage Type
Insurer FEINProfessional License Number
Insurer Contact Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
IndividualJack Heda
Street Address
1851 NW 125th Avenue, Suite 339
Pembroke PinesFL33028
PhoneExtFaxE-Mail Address
(954) 985 - 1165 (954) 212 -
Insured Information
TypeFirst NameMILast Name
Insurer TypeStreet Address of Practice
Licensed615 E. Princeton Street, Suite 400
CityStateZip CodeCounty
Orlando FL32803Orange
Policy NumberPer Claim Policy LimitsAggregate Policy Limits
Profession or BusinessOther Profession or Business
Medical Doctor 
License NumberSpecialty Code & ClassificationCertification Number
ME15959Pediatrics - Minor Surgery 

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Injured Person Information
First NameMILast NameDate of Birth
Street AddressGenderCounty where Injury Occurred
CityStateZip Code
Location where injury occuredOther location where injury occured
Hospital Inpatient Facility 
Name of InstitutionCode
Location of Institutional InjuryOther Location of Institutional Injury
Patients' Room 
Date of OccurrenceDate Reported to Insurer
Diagnostic Information
Final Diagnosis For Which Treatment Was Sought Including Patient's Actual Condition
Infant child was admitted to hospital under the care of Dr.. Beny L. Guedes. The infant was diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The infant's actual condition which was revealed after the autopsy was concluded revealed the infant suffered from an inherired genetic disorder severe combined immune deficiency syndrome.
Operation, Diagnostic, Or Treatment Procedure Rendered Causing The Injury
The infant was diagnosed with pneumonia, when the infant did not respond to treatment he was transferred to Shands Children's hospital. A diagnostic work-up showed that the infant had no T-cells, he was diagnosed with SCID. The infant sustained multiple complications including PCP pneumonia and failure to thrive, which required insertion of a gastostomy feeding tube. Infant underwent cord blood transplant and maternal blood cell transplant with both procedures resulting in additional complications. The infant went on to develop multi-system failure and was intubated on August 6, 2003. The infant was taken off life support and expired on August 7, 2003.
Diagnostic Code : 
Misdiagnosis Made, If Any, Of Patient's Actual Condition
Principal Injury Giving Rise To The Claim
It was alleged that our insured deviated from the acceptable standard of care by: failing to inform the parents of the infant to see genetic counseling, failure to timely diagnose the mother of the genetic disorder.
Severity Of Injury
Permanent: Death.

Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report


Legal Information
Date of SuitCircuit Court Case Number
9/29/200404 CA 1337
County Suit Filed inDate of Final Disposition
Other Defendants Involved in this Claim
Stage of Legal System at which Settlement was Reached or Award Made
Within 90 days of suit being filed.
Final Method of Claim Disposition
Settled by parties
Court DecisionOther
No Court Proceedings. 
Claim not subject to Arbitration.
Date of Payment
Financial Information
Was there a settlement Resulting in payment to the Plaintiff?Yes
Indemnity Paid by Insurer on behalf of Insured$150,000
Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Defense Counsel$62,033
All Other Loss Adjustment Expense Paid$0
Injured Person's Total Non-Economic Loss$1,000,000
Injured Person's Total Economic Loss
 Incurred to DateAnticipated
Medical Expense$600,000$0
Wage Loss$0$0
Other Expenses$0$0
Safety Management Steps Taken by Insured to Make Similar Occurrence Less Likely
Date of Change:4/19/2007 11:59:49 AM
Reason for Change:The update is being made to add the Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Def Counsel which was left out of the original reporting form.
Field ChangedFormer ValueNew Value
Amount of Loss Adjustment Expense Paid to Defense Counsel062033
Date of Change:6/19/2007 11:51:29 AM
Reason for Change:This claim was updated today to input the economic and non-economic loss.
Field ChangedFormer ValueNew Value
Incurred Expense Mdeical0600000
Injured Person Total Non-Economic Loss01000000
Date of Change:6/22/2007 11:18:36 AM
Reason for Change:Diagnostic information was corrected.
Field ChangedFormer ValueNew Value
Cause of InjuryJamal was admitted where he came under the care of Dr. Guedes. He diagnosed Jamal with RSV and the childe expired on March 23, 2001. The autopsy revealed a genetic abnormality, severe combined immune deficiency syndrome. It is alleged that failure to communicate the results of Jamal's autopsy led to the delay in diagnosing and treating Javonte's SCIDS leading to this death.The infant was diagnosed with pneumonia, when the infant did not respond to treatment he was transferred to Shands Children's hospital. A diagnostic work-up showed that the infant had no T-cells, he was diagnosed with SCID. The infant sustained multiple complications including PCP pneumonia and failure to thrive, which required insertion of a gastostomy feeding tube. Infant underwent cord blood transplant and maternal blood cell transplant with both procedures resulting in additional complications. The infant went on to develop multi-system failure and was intubated on August 6, 2003. The infant was taken off life support and expired on August 7, 2003.
Final DiagnosisJamal was admitted where he came under the care of Dr. Guedes. He diagnosed Jamal with RSV and the childe expired on March 23, 2001. The autopsy revealed a genetic abnormality, severe combined immune deficiency syndrome. It is alleged that failure to communicate the results of Jamal's autopsy led to the delay in diagnosing and treating Javonte's SCIDS leading to this death.Infant child was admitted to hospital under the care of Dr.. Beny L. Guedes. The infant was diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The infant's actual condition which was revealed after the autopsy was concluded revealed the infant suffered from an inherired genetic disorder severe combined immune deficiency syndrome.
Principal InjuryJamal was admitted where he came under the care of Dr. Guedes. He diagnosed Jamal with RSV and the childe expired on March 23, 2001. The autopsy revealed a genetic abnormality, severe combined immune deficiency syndrome. It is alleged that failure to communicate the results of Jamal's autopsy led to the delay in diagnosing and treating Javonte's SCIDS leading to this death.It was alleged that our insured deviated from the acceptable standard of care by: failing to inform the parents of the infant to see genetic counseling, failure to timely diagnose the mother of the genetic disorder.



*NR:Prior to 04/28/1999 this field was not required in submitted claims.

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